ACNL's logo files can be found on this page, along with guidance for their usage. These logos are to be used for official purposes and by authorized individuals only. If you would like to use our logos, please obtain permission from the ACNL office beforehand. Authorized individuals may resize the logos as needed, but any other alternations must be approved by the ACNL office first.
Depending on the layout of the design, it may be necessary to substitute for an alternate version of the logo. Approved alternate versions are the wide logo:
And the wordless logo:
Depending on the design, it may also be necessary to use a monochrome version of the logo. White or black are the only approved colors.
When using the ACNL logo, make sure to allow space on all sides. The clearspace around the logo can be determined by utilizing the width of the apricot stripe.
When using the logo on an image, avoid placing the logo in areas with too much visual clutter. Place the logo in an area with open space and minimal color variation and texture.