ACNL's primary brand colors are Apricot and Indigo.
Apricot represents the traditional color of the School of Nursing graduation stole. It is also a color associated with warmth, creativity, friendliness, and comfort -- all attributes nurses have in abundance.
Indigo is a color associated with integrity, sophistication, trust, and reliability -- in other words: leadership.
Name: Apricot
Hex Value: #FFB673
Accessibility-safe text color: Black or #1D0D6E
Name: Indigo
Hex Value: #1D0D6E
Accessibility-safe text color: White or #FFB673
Name: Cyan
Hex Value: #489FB5
Name: Yellow
Hex Value: #F5E663
Name: Pink
Hex Value: #F7D1CD
Name: Green
Hex Value: #BDD358